Newsletter n°35 - June 2017


Let me start by warmly congratulating Antoine Georges who will be decorated as “Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur”. Bravo Antoine for all your achievements ! I would also like to congratulate Marta Gibert and Ana Akrap from UNIGE who have been awarded a SNSF professorship. I wish both a successful continuation of their scientific careers.

Numerous events are coming up in the MaNEP Network in the next months. A limited number of MaNEP internships are again available for students this summer; get the word out fast to your students and send us their application ! Also, don’t miss the Laboratory of Advanced Technology’s invitation on June 20 to discover a breakthrough in TOF-SIMS, a real revolution in high resolution chemical analysis. The LTA is working towards the acquisition of this equipment that will benefit researchers and companies alike. I hope to meet many of you during the SPS meeting in August, with topical sessions organized by MaNEP members. In September, Geneva will host two major events for our community, the annual meeting of crystallography and EUCAS 2017, both organized by members of the MaNEP Network. In addition to an outstanding research program, EUCAS also proposes a rich outreach program with a special presentation by Fabiola Gianotti, Director General of CERN, on September 19. Save the date !

You may have noticed the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is introducing new rules in various funding schemes. The SNSF remains one of the most effective and research oriented funding agency. However, while some changes strengthen the support for science, other modifications are questionable. Members of MaNEP have pointed them out to the SNSF, in particular issues related to additional data required on grant applications and reporting, and the newly introduced data management plan. I strongly encourage you all to voice concerns you may have, such that the SNSF remains the fantastic funding resource it is ! 

Publications remain at a high level and I thank our colleagues for sharing their highlights with us. The next MaNEP Forum meeting will take place during the SPS conference in Geneva, and I am looking forward to meet many of our full members on that occasion.

In the meantime, I wish you all a splendid summer !

Christoph Renner


What's going on in the Network

TOF-SIMS : a revolution for chemical surfaces analysis

TOF-SIMS : a revolution in chemical surface analysis

The Laboratory of Advanced Technology (LTA) aims to expand its capabilities in the field of chemical surface analysis with the acquisition of new equipment that will benefit companies and researchers alike : a TOF-SIMS system and a XPS. LTA invites you to discover a major technological advance in TOF-SIMS, Tuesday 20 June, 2017 at 2 pm, 24, quai Ernest-Ansermet – Geneva. Please register before June 15, 2017.

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Summer internships 2017

Summer internships 2017

The MaNEP Network offers summer internships for 3rd and 4th year students in physics. It is a unique opportunity to work for a month this summer in one of the top research teams affiliated to the MaNEP Network while receiving a financial support. Interested ?

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Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Crystallography: “Crystallography meets Physics”

Annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Crystallography

The annual meeting of the SGK/SSCr Swiss Society for Crystallography takes place this year in Geneva, on September 12, 2017. It will focus on various applications of crystallography in physics, as described by the title “Crystallography meets Physics” given to this edition. The program as well as information about registration and abstract submission are available here.

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EUCAS 2017 in Geneva

EUCAS 2017 in Geneva

By Luca Bottura, CERN 
The 13th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, EUCAS 2017, will be held 17-21 September 2017 in the International Conference Centre of Geneva (CICG), hosted by CERN in collaboration with the University of Geneva and EPFL-SPC. Full details about the conference scope and program can be found here !

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Superconductivity and the Physiscope at Swissnex Boston

Superconductivity and the Physiscope at Swissnex Boston

Superconductivity was the guest of Swissnex at the Cambridge science festival near Boston (USA), last April, in collaboration with the Physiscope of UNIGE. Numerous visitors experienced some of the surprising properties of superconductivity, such as levitation and vortex pinning. The Physiscope’s team especially showcased a flywheel able to store mechanical energy and convert it into electricity during consumption peaks; as well as SUPRA100, a piece …

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Antoine Georges has been named Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur

Antoine Georges has been named Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur

Antoine Georges, Professor at the Ecole polytechnique, at Collège de France and at the University of Geneva, has been named Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur. Antoine Georges will receive this decoration on June 19, 2017 at the Collège de France. The Légion d'Honneur is the highest French national distinction. Antoine George was awarded numerous prizes during his career and …

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Marta Gibert and Ana Akrap obtain a SNFS professorship

Congratulations to Marta and Ana of the Department of Quantum Matter Physics, University of Geneva who have obtained a SNSF professorship grant. Marta has received the grant with a project on Functional oxide heterostructures by design. She will be appointed as professor at the …

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Discoveries & Innovation

Elastic properties measured by thermal diffuse x-ray scattering

Elastic properties measured by thermal diffuse x-ray scattering

by Björn Wehinger, UNIGE 
Physicists from the University of Geneva and the European Synchrotron discovered how to obtain the full elasticity tensor from a single crystal diffraction experiment. Measurements of thermal diffuse scattering revealed that the complete set of elastic constants can be determined to high precision. The new approach allows the measurement of elastic properties together with ...

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Tuning magnetic spirals with chemical disorder beyond room temperature

by Mickaël Morin and Marisa Medarde, PSI 
In the past years, magnetism-driven ferroelectricity has been reported in a number of frustrated magnets with spiral magnetic orders. Such materials are of high current interest due to their potential for spintronics and low-power magnetoelectric devices. However, their low magnetic order temperatures (typically <100K) restrict their fields of application. Scientists at the Paul Scherrer Institut have recently showed that chemical disorder …

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Who got published ?

Discover MaNEP Network's research and innovations through some publication highlights published between December 2016 and May 2017. 

See the publication highlights.


Events - The place to be

Joint SP
S - ÖPG annual meeting 2017
August 21-25, 2017, Geneva

Topical session "Correlated-Electron Physics in Transition-Metal Oxides"
Organized by Marisa Medarde (PSI), Antoine Georges (UNIGE) and Claude Ederer (ETHZ) for the NCCR MARVEL
August 21-25 2017, SPS-ÖPG annual Meeting, Geneva

Bose-Einstein Condensation 2017 
September 2-8, 2017, Sant Feliu de Guixols

Annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Crystallography
September 12, 2017, Faculty of Sciences, University of Geneva

EUCAS 2017
September 17-21, 2017, Geneva

August, 29-31, 2018, Les Diablerets

(Banner : TOF-SIMS image © Physical Electronics USA)


MaNEP Switzerland Network
24, quai Ernest-Ansermet - 1211 Geneva 4 -